How to Prime a Pump

Priming a pool pump is when you remove the air from the plumbing lines and instead fill them with water. When a pump is running, water needs to be moving through it at all times. If it runs for too long without water it will overheat and can damage different components of the pump. Therefore when the pump is running you should always look inside the pump lid and make sure it's filled all the way with water. You'll have to prime the pump when you open the pool in the spring and any other times too much air gets into the system. 

How to Prime a Pool Pump: 

1. Turn the multiport to recirculate, this will bypass the filter and makes it easier to prime. (Only applicable on filters with a multiport valve) 

2. Open the lid and fill the pump with water. Allow a garden hose to run for a minute or two to get some water running through the pipes. 

3. Close all your valves but one. This will help the pump gain prime by not pulling air from too many lines at once. 

4. Verify that the lid o-ring is clean and intact and then put the lid back on. Make sure its on tight and then turn the pump on. Water will gurgle and spurt for a little bit but should eventually fully fill the pump housing.

5. Once you have one line primed, you can slowly open the other valves. Open one at a time and watch the pump pot while doing so. If too much air gets in and it seems like its going to lose prime, quickly shut the valve. Repeat this process until you can fully open the valve and it stays primed. Do this step again until all the valves are open. 

Your pump is now primed and ready to go! If you moved the multiport valve to recirculte, turn the pump off, rotate the handle to filter, and then turn the pump back on. If there is an air relief valve on top of your filter, open that until all the air is released and a stream of water is coming out. 

To prevent losing prime when cleaning out the pump bakset, make sure to close all your valves before opening the lid. This will keep the water at the valves so that when you turn the pump back on and open the valves, you'll already be primed. 

If you're struggling to get primed: 

1. Repeat the process of filling up the pump with water. It make take a couple of takes for water to make its way all the way to the pump. 

2. Try priming the closest skimmer to the pump first. This is usually the easiest since its the shortest run to the pump. Make sure water level in the pool is about halfway through the skimmer box.  

3. Ensure that the impeller is clean of debris. Reach your hand in the pump and feel around to see if you can tell if its clogged.  

4. There might be a suction side leak that is allowing air into the lines, check the plumbing and o-rings before the pump. Siliconing the glue joints or replacing the lid and valve o-rings might help seal the lines.  Read our article "fixing an air leak" for more indepth instructions