Pool Heater Won't Fire

Pool Heater Won't Fire

If your heater isn't firing there are a handful of things the homeowner can check before calling a serviceman.

Taking Care of Your Heater

Taking Care of Your Heater

The heater is usually one of the most expensive pieces of equipment on your pad, so you'll want to make sure you're doing everything you can to take care of it. Water chemisty is very important with heaters. The heat exchanger on the inside is made of copper and is suseptible to corrosion when the chemistry is off. Low pH is very acidic and can eat through that exchanger causing it to leak. If this happens you'll have to replace the entire exchanger and thats about 90% of the cost of a new heater. Therefore, make sure pH always stays within 7.4-7.8. Its best to bring a water sample in to have us test it to make sure all the levels are balanced.

How to Turn Your Heater On

How to Turn Your Heater On

If you heater isn't connected to any sort of automation, you'll always control it from the unit itself. Click the on button, and then adjust the temperature to where you want. If the water temperautre is below the set temp the heater should kick on.